Directions for The Natural Solution 3 Month Hot Tub Water Treatment
This is a two-step process. You need to remove all excess build-up of chemical residues and contaminants like hot tub chlorine and bromine, and other hot tub chemicals in your hot tub's system by using 1 bottle of Filter Cleaner - Hot Tub Cleanser before starting with The Natural Solution. This is a one-time cleansing treatment, you don't need to do it again unless you really let your tub get nasty.
If your hot tub is brand new you DO NOT need to do the cleansing process, just skip to step 2.
Step One:
Cleanse your tub with The All Natural Filter Cleaner - Hot Tub Cleanser
1. Remove and keep out your pleated filter(s) during the cleansing process. You can clean them at this time using the All Natural Filter Cleaner.
2. DO NOT DRAIN YOUR HOT TUB. Turn the electricity off to the hot tub (this product works best in cool water).
3. Pour 1 bottle of Filter Cleaner - Hot Tub Cleanser into the hot tub, turn the electricity back on and adjust it to the lowest heat setting.
4. Let the tub circulate on its normal filter cycle for 2 whole days. You don't have to have the jets running all the time for the whole 2 days. You can, if you have the time, go out once a day and turn the jets on high for one cycle. This will help speed up the process.
5. Drain and clean the tub on the 3rd day. When you clean it just use some diluted bleach in a bucket (a cup or two out of the bottle of bleach is fine) and an old rag to wipe the whole tub down. The most important part is everything above the water line. Really wipe down the cover, if you have headrests take them off and clean them and underneath them. Also wipe down inside the filter housing, and any jets above the water line really good.
6. After the tub has been cleaned, refill the tub with the Carbon Pre-filter.
The water used to fill a spa is not as pure as you may like to think. There are impurities such as bacteria, water mold, copper, iron, calcium and other deposits which can be harmful to you, your family and your spa. The Carbon Pre-Filter allows you to enjoy a spa using water with filtration down to 0.5 micron. The human eye can detect up to 40 microns. The best spa and pool filter on the market. Designed for taking pretty much everything out of your water. Starting out with clean water is one of the most important things you can do for your spa. The Carbon Pre-filter is recommended to all customers no matter how good you think your water is. Using this Pre-filter will ensure clean, fresh water causing you fewer problems. Attach the Pre- Filter to your garden hose (flush for 30 seconds) and begin to fill.
Step Two: The Natural Solution 3 Month Hot Tub Water Treatment.
1. After you have filled the tub with the Carbon Pre-filter and heated it up to normal operating temperature add 1 bottle of The Natural Solution 3 Month Hot Tub Water Treatment for tubs over 250 gallons to 500 gallons, add 1/2 bottle of 3 Month Hot Tub Water Treatment for tubs under 250 gallons. If you are using 1/2 bottle, heat the bottle up by submerging the whole bottle in hot water for a while. Once the bottle is hot shake it up really good and pour off 8oz in
a measuring cup, pour that 8oz in the tub, cap the bottle off, and put it away. You don't need to heat the 2nd 8oz's up again in 3 months, just pour the rest of the bottle in the tub.
2. Check and adjust your pH if needed. Check your pH and alkalinity occasionally to make sure it is still in ideal ranges.
Tip: Always turn your jets on high for at least 30 seconds before testing hot tub water. You want the pH to be from 7.8 to 8.2 if it is out of these ranges you will need to adjust it. To adjust your pH whether it needs to go up or down. Add 2 tablespoons of pH up or down, turn your jets on high, wait 1 hour and test again, if it is still not where it needs to be add another 2 tablespoons of pH up or down and wait 1 hour and test again. Do Not exceed 3 application of pH up or down in a day, sometimes it takes awhile to react. Keep adding two tablespoon so pH up or down, waiting an hour and testing until you reach the desired level of pH 7.8 to 8.2, once you have it in that range The Natural Solution will automatically stabilize it there and you shouldn't have to mess with until you drain your tub again.
3. Clean your filters once a month in the All Natural Filter Cleaner - Hot Tub Cleanser.
(Instruction below in Hints and Tips).
4. ENJOY the easiest, lowest maintenance, all natural enzyme hot tub treatment.
1. Hose your filter off really good. Use a hose nozzle like the Filter Flosser with a strong jet. This is the best thing you can do for the maintenance of the hot tub. Do this at least once a week. Just drag the hose over and turn your heater down so the pump turns off, pull your filter and hang it over the edge while you hose it off.
2. Shock as needed. ( I use 2 teaspoons of 99% DiChlor for 500 gallons of water. After putting in the 2 teaspoons open your hot tub cover and turn your jets on high, this will help it gas out of the water really fast so your not sitting in any chemicals when you get in your hot tub.
3. Pick a day of the week when you want to do your maintenance (developing a routine is really important). If you do the maintenance in the MORNING, first I hose off my filters off with the Filter Flosser, and add 2 teaspoons 99% DiChlor, leave the hot tub cover open and turn you jets on high, the chlorine will gas out in a couple of hours and is ready for use that evening. If you do the maintenance at night when you get out of the tub just hose the filter off and shock with 2 teaspoons of 99% DiChlor, then close the lid and the chlorine will be gassed out the following evening.
Clean your Filters once a month with the All Natural Filter Cleaner - Hot Tub Cleanser.
Hints & Tips
Helpful Tips for using the Natural Solution 3 Month Hot Tub Water Treatment.
1. Fragrances... are usually used to mask chemical odours, and a lot of these have chemicals in them as well. The over use of fragrances may cause foaming and/or cloudy water. If this happens shock with 2 teaspoons of 99% DiChlor.
2. If you ever experience a stale odour coming from your spa water, this simply means the Natural Solution has found contaminants and is working harder. Sometimes this order might be coming from the Cover or Headrests, wipe these down with a diluted bleach solution and an old rag. If this doesn't solve the problem shock the water with 2 teaspoons of 99% DiChlor. If the problem persists it might need a strong shock, use 2 to 4 ounces of 99% DiChlor and that should take care of it.
3. The Natural Solution is compatible with ozonators, chlorine and bromine. We highly recommend using only 99% Sodium DiChlor. This particular type of chlorine is the only one
which will totally gas out of your spa water! Don't use bromine!
4. Cloudy water may be caused by a large number of bathers, lotions, oils, deodorants, sunscreens or other products used on the skin or soap residues in bathing suits. If you get cloudy water, hose your filters off really good with the Filter Flosser, if this doesn't take care of it shock with 2 teaspoons of 99% DiChlor. If it persists shock with 2-4 ounces of 99% DiChlor. Be patient. The spa water will clear up and does not have to be drained if the water is cloudy; the Natural Solution just needs some time to do its job.
5. If your spa water has a high metal content and/or if your water source is from a well we highly recommend the use of a Carbon Pre-Filter. The pre-filter will filter out most metals from the water. If you still have high metal you can use a metal b gone product from you local hot tub store.
6. Rinse your filters at least once week with the Filter Flosser. The filter is the most important part of your hot tub. Clean your filters at least once a month with the All Natural Filter Cleaner. I highly recommend getting an extra set of filters so you can use the rotation method of cleaning your filters. This way you will always have a clean filter when you need to clean the one in the hot tub. Just pull the dirty filter out of the hot tub, hose of thoroughly with the Filter Flosser, and soak it in 1oz of the All Natural Filter Cleaner - Hot Tub Cleanser. Put your clean filter in the hot tub. When the dirty filter is done soaking pull it out, hose it off, and put it on a shelf to dry, ready for the next time you need to change them out. This method makes cleaning your filters much easier.
7. Foam is almost always a result of soap left in bathing suits. All you need to do is skim it off and rinse your filters a couple times. Don't use soap on your skin when bathing before entering your spa. This will introduce phosphates to your water and will cause foaming as well.
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